Bible Knowlege Project: Matthew 27

Matthew 27 is the account of the death of Christ through the cruel Roman method of crucifixion. The chapter opens with Jesus before Pilate, who found no fault in him. Yet, due to his weakness, he trades a criminal for Jesus and delivers him to be crucified.

We know that this was necessary for God to forgive our sins. The Son of Man needed to be crucified – without the shedding of blood, there can be no remission of sins. It had to be the perfect blood of the perfect Lamb. What we see in this chapter is similar to what we observed in Gen. 27. Though Rebekah acted deceitfully and Pilate and other men misbehaved, the will of God was accomplished. Only a God who is absolutely sovereign can bring his purposes from the wicked acts of men.

That thought should comfort us in the world we live in today. So many things are wrong and happening all around. Yet, God is sovereign. He is using all of those evil things to accomplish his purposes in the lives of his people.