Bible Knowledge Project: John 2

Chapter Two contains two sections. The first (2:1-12) highlights the first sign that Jesus performed (2:11), demonstrating his glory. The main point of the miracle is to highlight that better has come to the people of God in the coming of the Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ. Although the Old Testament pointed to Christ in everything, it was a mere type and shadow of the substance (the old wine). Now, the new wine has come represented by the coming of the Savior. He is the fulfillment of all that the Old Testament said.

The second section (2:13-25) highlights the cleansing of the Temple and the prediction of the resurrection (2:18). These words will be used against Christ at his trial before the Sanhedrin.

  1. When you read the Old Testament, do you make a note of the many ways it points you to Christ?

  2. Why is Jesus angry at the way the people were treating the Temple?

bible readingWilliam Hill