Bible Knowledge Project: Genesis 28

Read: Genesis 28

Genesis 28 continues the narrative from chapter 27 with the immediate consequences of Jacob's deceitful behavior over his father, Isaac. Because Esau threatened to kill Jacob, Rebekah sends him to his uncle, Laban, forcing him to leave his land and become an exile in another country. The theme of exile and restoration will dominate the Pentateuch for many chapters and into the historical books of the Old Testament. That theme is one that God's people continue today. We are pilgrims and sojourners in this world as we await a better country, the New Heavens and the New Earth.

As Jacob travels to his uncle's land, he sleeps and dreams. In this dream, he saw a ladder (commonly referred to as "Jacob's ladder) on which angels were ascending and descending. The imagery is that of Christ, who will unite heaven and earth again, restoring it to its rightful place as it was before the fall into sin. There God renews the covenant promise he made with Abraham and Isaac. The promise of God has not been forgotten, even in the face of difficulty and exile. We are comforted by the fact that God has not forgotten us in our exile. Come what may, the Lord will restore what has been ruined by sin and bring his people to their home.