Bible Knowledge Project: Genesis 27

Read: Genesis 27

There are two occasions in Scripture when a man blesses his sons at the end of his life. In both of them, Jacob is at the center. The account of Genesis 27 is that of Isaac blessing his sons before he dies. His health is failing, and his eyes dim. Isaac intended to bless Esau as the oldest, but Rebekah tricked her husband resulting in the blessing being placed on Jacob. That singular act strengthens the words of 25:23.

Scripture never condemns or condones the actions of Rebekah. All it does is state the events as they occurred. We learn through this chapter that God can sovereignly bring all things to pass even if his creatures act sinfully.

The response from Esau after Jacob stole his blessing is predictable, and Rebekah sends Jacob to Laban – into exile. That theme will be prominent throughout the Pentateuch.